Do snakes makes good ESA: everything you need to know

An emotional support animal is a pet that provides emotional support to individuals who are suffering from mental illness. Several people have reported that ESAs are more helpful than traditional medicine or therapies. Others believe that pets may be beneficial when used in conjunction with other methods. Patients will determine whether ESA therapy is appropriate for them in consultation with their doctor.

realesaletter is the leading online provider of ESA (Emotional Support Animal) letter certifications in the USA. Our goal is to help individuals and families obtain the necessary documentation to make their pets qualified ESAs. While many people may not consider snakes as traditional pets, they can make great ESAs for those who have a deep connection with them.


At Realesaletter, we believe that any pet, including snakes, can provide emotional support and comfort to their owners. Snakes are known for their calm demeanor, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety or stress. They are also relatively low-maintenance pets, making them a great choice for people with busy schedules.

If you're considering a snake as your emotional support animal, there are a few things you should know. First, it's important to check with your landlord or housing authority to ensure that snakes are allowed in your building. Additionally, it's important to research and understand the specific needs of the snake species you are considering. For example, some snakes require a specialized diet or specific temperature and humidity levels.

At, we are committed to helping pet owners understand their rights and providing them with the necessary documentation to make their pets qualified ESAs. Our online platform is easy to use, and our team of professionals is always available to answer any questions you may have. We believe that everyone deserves to have the comfort and support of their pet, regardless of the species. Contact us today to get started on your ESA certification process for your snake.

Availing an ESA letter needs a certain eligibility criterion that individuals must fulfill. Usually, you must consult a local psychologist or a licensed mental health care professional to get your ESA letter. The doctor evaluates your mental condition and issues you the letter accordingly, after which you become eligible to receive an ESA.

Most of the time, individuals will only register pets that they already own. If you do not have a pet, you may choose any animal of your choosing. No additional training is required for emotional support animals to be eligible for the ESA letter. In contrast to most people, who register their dogs or cats, snakes are a viable option.

If kept in the right environment, a snake may be a great emotional support animal letter for those who need one. Everything is dependent on the kind of snake involved as well as the mindset of the potential owner. Even though there are many types of snakes, not all of them make great pets, especially when applying for an ESA letter for housing. A placid and gentle ball python or corn snake, on the other hand, may make an excellent ESA.

Reasons Why Snakes Make a good ESA

Can be used to treat depression and anxiety

Snakes may help people who are depressed or anxious by giving companionship and encouraging them to put their attention on something other than themselves. Keeping a snake as a pet may be very challenging due to the fact that it is completely dependent on the person for its well-being. Individuals who do this job may have a sense of purpose and activity, which may assist to alleviate feelings of melancholy. ESA snakes, in addition to giving companionship, may also assist in reducing negative emotions like anxiety and tension.

You do not need a great deal of physical exercise.

A snake kept in an ESA terrarium will get all of the exercise it needs just by slithering about in the enclosure. Unlike an ESA dog, you do not need to take your snake on long walks or indulge them in physical exercises. It would be beneficial to many snakes if they could be allowed to leave their terrarium at least once or twice a week. If you can provide a small tree in your home for your ESA snake to climb on, you may discover that it likes doing so quite a bit. Because some larger snakes love swimming, a kiddie pool or bath should be available. Generally speaking, though, an ESA snake does not need any physical exertion at all. Therefore, it makes a great emotional support animal for someone who has restricted mobility and is unable to go outdoors.

They are not very large in size.

In your home, an emotional support snake would not take up much room since snakes spend nearly all of their time within their enclosures. As a result of their ability to fit into small places, snakes make great emotional support animals for people who live in small apartments or homes with limited room. If you want your snake to live happily and comfortably, you must give them a tank big enough for them to do so. The majority of pet breeds should be able to fit in a tank that is one metre in length. You may want to consider buying a stand for your snake tank as well, due to the fact that snake aquariums are usually kept elevated.

They have a reasonable price tag attached to them.

A snake's price is influenced by the breed you select, just as it is with other types of animals as pets. If you are buying a snake for the first time, it is suggested that you choose a small, inexpensive breed. Following your initial purchase, you'll see how cheap they are to maintain, and once you've received your ESA letter via Moosh, you'll notice that it isn't unreasonably costly either. Because snakes do not need lead(s), grooming kit(s), or any other maintenance items, they do not pose the same cost strain as some other emotional support animals.

They are completely non-hazardous.

When it comes to having a snake as an emotional support animal, the most often voiced concern is that they are potentially dangerous. We, on the other hand, are here to disprove that claim in its entirety. Almost all of the types of snakes that are lawfully available for purchase in the United States are non-venomous in their natural habitats. Even in the unlikely chance that you are bitten, there is little danger of you being sick due to the poison in their saliva.

There is no noticeable odour about them.

The smell of snakes is completely nonexistent, in contrast to the odour of some other creatures that are kept as emotional support animals. People with sensitive noses or chronic stomach issues that may be exacerbated by unpleasant odours will find them to be the best emotional support animals since their smooth skin emits no odour at all, making them the perfect emotional support animals. Additionally, since they defecate on such a little portion of their bodies, it is very easy to keep their cage clean. It is beneficial to clean out your snake's cage of urine, faeces, and uneaten food once every two days to keep your home smelling nice and clean.

They are hypoallergenic

The hypoallergenic qualities of some varieties of cats and dogs have been suggested, and it is true that some are, but the only animals that are really hypoallergenic emotional support animals are fish and reptiles. Cat allergies are found in the oil on the cat's skin rather than in the cat's hair, which is a common misconception about cat allergies. 

In reality, hairless cats are hypoallergenic because the oil on their skin contains no cat allergens, making them a good choice for those with allergies. As an alternative to getting a cat, try getting an emotional support snake, which will prevent your family from being exposed to any of the allergies that cats are notorious for carrying.

They do not make noise

There are many emotional support animals who are noisy and high-energy, and this is not unusual in their presence. Many ESA dog breeds, for example, like being the centre of attention, are high-spirited, and may cause quite a ruckus when they are allowed to, while snakes are deafeningly silent. 

Because of this, no angry neighbours, no being woken up in the middle of the night, and no barking may be heard in the background of Zoom meetings, to mention a few advantages. Due to their placid demeanour, ESA snakes make great household pets.

There you go with a detailed guide as to why snakes make a good ESA. We are sure that after reading this guide, you will definitely consider availing a snake as an ESA. Good luck. 




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